Iasthai, Center of Physical and Mental Health - About us

... ἰᾶσθαι τοὺς ἀσθενεῖς ...

The medical center of Iasthai was created by team of experts in the field of health who offer medical responsible and certified information and treatment to problems of health.The principles which guide this team are those of Chinese medicine and the wholeness of the therapeutic approach and treatment of all physician, diet and psychological disorders.
The philosophy of Iastai is based on the patient – centred medicine.
It focus on the medical care which aims at the individual needs and preoccupation of each patient.
It focuses on the treatment of each human problem separately through open communication and dialogue, training, cooperation and understanding of every issue.
As a result, each patient receives and individual and holistic – sperical approach. In this way, a top quality therapeutic alliance is formed between the patient and the doctor.
Our center personnel covers the specialities of holistic medicine (acupuncture, herb – therapy, homeopathy), dietology, psychotherapy, addiction consultation and physiotherapy.
For the treatment of obesity, we implement an innovative therapy which is based on the traditional Chinese medicine.
The treatment is individual or in groups.


Health is defined as freedom from pain on the physical level, freedom from obsessions, compulsions, fears, etc.
On the mental level and freedom from suppression of emotions on the emotional level in combination with good clinical tests and a measure of happiness in the person`s everyday life.   

Health is measured not only by blood, urine and different metabolic tests, buthow happy a person is in his life.

This is the most important aspect of health and is achieved by every person in different ways. Sometimes one may think he she is happy, but in reality they are not and this is shown when specific stressors produce certain pathological symptoms in these people. People are a complex amalgam of their ideas, their feelings and their actions in everydy life witch leads to a good state of health or to diseases. So far conventional medicine has not focused their attention on the whole person, but rather has broken him down into specific specialtiesmodalities. We go to a dermatologist for skin diseases, i.e. eczema, psoriasis, etc. Their mode of tratament is to apply corticosteroid creams or give antihistamines, or a combination of both. In chronic skin diseases we see that this method of treatment seldom is the answer, since the pathology seems to get worse year after year of this suppressive treatment.
The fallacy of this treatment is that it does not take into account the whole person, there is no attention given to diet, to what type of family, job and other environmental milieu or psychological milieu the person was in when the pathology first apperead and what type of milieu he is now in.
This is a great fallacy of specialist conventional medicine and one of the main reasons for the failure of conventional medicine in handling chronic diseases.
In this respect the Center of Physical and Mental Health will view people and their problems in a holistic fashion, using conventional medical exams, but promoting acupuncture and homeopathic therapy, diet regulation and psychological support to every individual that is in need of it.
How this works is that the person who is suffering from a specific complain or many specific complains will be reviewed by a medical doctor`s. This interview will be all encompassing since present pathological symptoms, as well as past pathological symptomps, surgeries, etc. will be noted; then a general differential diagnostic part of the questionnaire will note the person`s diet, sleeping habits, as well as his emotional health at the time, as well as his personality characteristics, etc. The total clinical picture of this interview will be reviewed by a group of specialist acupuncturist dietary consultant, psychologist and they will determine the type of therapy each person needs to take care of their problems.
This is a holistic method of therapy for each individual and each individual`s therapy is different.

Start by doing what's necessary
then do what's possible and,
suddenly you are doing the impossible.
Francis of Assisis

OUR NAME ''Iasthai''

Word-forming element from Greek iatrikos "healing," from iatros "physician, healer" (related to iatreun "treat medically," and iasthai "heal, treat"); of uncertain origin, perhaps from iaomai "to cure," related to iaino "heat, warm, cheer," probably from a root meaning "enliven, animate."





